per diffondere la luce, insieme 


September 12, 2009                                                                                                            Stampa Pagina


Welcome in the Heavenletters Section!

A very brief story of Heavenletters

From Gloria:

Ten years ago, after a spiritual awakening, I started writing letters to my inner self and got answers. After a while, I thought: "Hmm, if I can address myself and get answers, why not with God?" I had always heard to go to the top, so I started asking questions to God, first for myself and later for others, and God answered with a common sense and vision far beyond anything I could ever have thought of. And then questions were no longer necessary because God just started coming in with what He wanted us to hear. One thing about God, He wants His words shared, and so Heaven Letters is emailed out every day.

For further information: A Little Longer Story